Thursday, May 6, 2010

Creative Ramble

Creatively speaking I have been all over the place lately. I've been writing, cooking, experimenting in the kitchen and I have even been playing around with the prospect of producing a CD. No, not singing.
I know enough that I can't sing. I can hum and occasionally I may be able to make a pretty sound, but I am smart enough to know that is not singing. So I keep it to the confines of a room full of people or church where the sound is masked my those much more capable than me in the creation of consistent lovely tones.

My voice is my clay today. Saying words in different ways like playing with a slinky as it goes up and down. Playing with my breath, creating pauses and hoping it all comes together to make a discernible picture. I feel like I'm playing with finger paint, and hoping someone else can see what I am slapping on the paper. Do you?

If I could do something with this, I would have a spot where I could make all of the food that my imagination calls for and in a space that people could come to hear and be heard.

I am in the process of putting together something, but it is still in the planning stages. I hope to share more soon.

I was thinking the other day that I write this blog like I have so many readers. I appreciate the fact that you take the time to read what I write. One reader on one million, the words are still the same and I hope you enjoy!

Peace and Blessings! More to come....

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