Monday, February 15, 2010

Potluck Meetup....

It might sound strange, but I'm in that kind of space. I am working to make new friends so I can work to attain some level of balance in my life. I need a life outside of my children. It will give me a chance to not go through withdrawal when they leave home eventually.

In the pursuit of activities outside of my home, I decided to join a meetup club that has pot luck dinners. I am one of the first 20 members.

I have been looking for activities that I can do on my days off. A way to get me out of the house and since I love to cook, it seemed like a great way to kill two birds with one stone.

I attended the first potluck on 2/14/2010. I was nervous, but my sister went with me. I think that I was probably one of the oldest people in the house. The cool thing is the food was great and the company was too. Since I have been told by my friends that I am a food critic, it is wonderful to have a positive experience when I eat food that was not prepared in my kitchen.

I am looking forward to the next experience! Maybe a vegetarian potluck? We will see.

More to come...

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I am a grown woman. I have child-like tendencies.

I am curious and awestruck by many simple things that I am sure others take for granted.

I don't see many roses, but I will stop and admire the blue sky on my walk into work. Little things both entertain me and make me happy. We do what we must to get through the day.

I can laugh at a joke with the abandon of a child at times. I can be all about business and getting my work done at others.

I mention all that to say that people could lead a bit more interesting lives if they embrace their sense of adventure. Go for a walk and see if you can spot a squirrel. Reads something that you might not find initially interesting. You might learn something new. The world is full of wonder yet to be discovered by the otherwise closed mind.

I hope that you will choose to try to expand your horizons even just a little. It can be something as simple as trying something new. A new jelly flavor for instance. What if you like it? What if it is the most amazing taste you have ever experienced. Think about it. If you're bold, pick something else to try.

More to come...

Friday, February 5, 2010

My sister's Visit.

Spending time with my sister and nieces was great! We have such a high level of love and respect for eachother. I admire her strength and tenacity and she admires mine. We just have different challenges that we take head on, but look at the other's and wonder how she has the strength to deal.

We read the poem "Infatuation" ~ December 15, 2009 Entry. At the open mic. My friend Eurydice, helped me arrange the piece to be performed by two people. My twin and I practiced it a couple of times after she got here and took the stage in matching shirts. I didn't throw up, but I did get nervous. Not her. She stood up there and spoke so strong and calm. She's my hero. All in all I am pleased with the performance. I am going to work on memorizing the poem for future open mics. I might just slam one day.

We made it a girls night out. My sister and her first born, me and my first born. All getting behind the mic to read something.

We watched the slam that was after the open mic and got to see Eurydice win the opportunity to represent our area in a Women of the World poetry slam.

I feel like her visit went by so fast, but we had some quality time together. We cooked for our birthday and spent time with friends and family. I love the memories we are making because I know that they are what I have to comfort me when she heads back out to the CRATER on the west coast.

Peace and Love.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Some days I am full of ideas. Unfortunately, those ideas come to me when I am in the shower, driving or am otherwise unable to document the idea.

I have great ideas in the shower. I'm really full of them when my mind is clearing and I am feeling all fresh. I can barely remember a sentence by the time my body is dry. It sucks big time. I really need to figure a way to capture these ideas.

More to come..........hopefully!

Sledge Hammer

I have been suffering from a bit of writer's block lately. There has been so much going on in my life that I can't settle on a single subject to write about.
I attended a poetry slam last week and performed at the open mic. It was supposed to be my first time, but I decided to have a dry solo performance on January 22nd. I was nervous and thought I might puke, but I didn't!
I am not sure where I developed such stage fright, but I need to break that mess down. So I am going to see what I can do to get over this baseless fear.

I want to perform at more open mic events, but I seem to have this pesky writer's block. I am going to work on getting my blog entries up to one a week and that will prove useful in the area of something to read. I might just pull something from previous posts to read. I am told that some of them are funny. Who knows it might be funnier if I read it out loud.

Since my new year has started and my birthday has passed, I am trying to be about my business of moving forward. I am moving away from bad relationships, finding new relationships, and trying to find a balance between those that love me and loving myself.

I need to work on my procrastinating too, but maybe later.

More to come.