Friday, November 13, 2009

Grown ups, their toys and other thoughts on family...

My sister was blessed with a kidney transplant last month! Yeah! I am so happy for her and insisted that she stay with me at my apartment for the 4 weeks that she cannot drive. She is a superwoman and would probably make herself sick trying to do all that she thinks needs to be done.

Even though she shouldn't drive, her car is parked outside. She has appointments that she needs to go to and decided that it would be best to drive her car the hour or so since it it better on gas than my Gray Dragon (SUV for those that don't know what I drive).

I thought that driving was pretty straight forward. You get in, put the key in the ignition, turn it on and drive. Simple, right? Not in my sister's Cadillac. Beside the fact that it is worth more than my two cars put together, it is a friggin' air plane! The amount of light that the dash board puts out when you turn it on has me looking like I have just come back from a Caribbean vacation.
A flight plan filed and a system check needs to be performed before you can do anything. It has seat warmers, that are pretty cool, that make sure the leather seats are not too cold when you go for a ride.

I have a funny story about an old lady and a seat warmer that is for another day! A scream! Anyway.

The key apparently is programmed with settings for the driver. It has an alarm that goes off if you are getting too close to something behind you. The radio will keep playing when you turn the car off and blue tooth! She didn't even know about the blue tooth until last week. I am sure that there are more wonders in that thing yet to be discovered, but that is just the short list.

Give me the key and tell me where you want to go and I'm good.

My mother is also in town for her annual visit. We are coming to the end of her second week. I have to say that I am enjoying having her and my sister here. I don't have to go anywhere to see them. I get to spend time with them before I got to sleep and cook for them when I am not too tired.

Last week was insane and I was sure I was going to have a nervous breakdown, but I made it through thanks in no small part to sick time from work and the ability to drop hours! I initially thought, "What's 3 more people? The more the merrier!" It was a challenge getting everything together so we could function as a household. Now I'm thinking that I don't know what I will do when it is just the folks that normally live here again! I'm loving every minute of it.

This week is going better. I feel like we are getting into a groove and as soon as I am all used to them being here they are going to go home and I will have to put my road warrior hat back on. My sister will still be in town, but I am sure she misses sleeping in her own bed at night. I know I do even though my bed is a cheap piece of crap, it is home and I am a home body.

My mother and sister have a strange relationship that confuses and entertains me at the same time. Though I am sure they don't fully realize just how hilarious they sound when they start clucking at each other like some deranged hens.

I have been trying to convince my mother to move in with me and my family, but she says that she doesn't do much more at my house than she does at home, but she takes for granted the fact that my children are really loving having her around. My toddlers can't wait to wake her up in the morning and love on her. My teenagers love spending time with their grandmother too. Not to mention, My house, my rules.

My mother likes to have fish on Fridays and it is on sale so I am off to pick up some in the morning! My twin sister tells me that my mother has really enjoys the food that we have been preparing for her since she has been here, but she finds some fault in it. I don't even let her comments bother me. I know that it is her way of trying to be "sassy". We talk a lot of trash. She says something and I say something sassy back. It works for us. She can be a handful and hardheaded, but all in all I enjoy her company.

The weather sucks right now. It has been raining for the past 2 days and cool to boot. My mother wants to go get a mani-pedi. I know for a fact that she will complain for an hour about how cold she is. She wants to get out and do something so I am going to take her to do it. It will give me a chance to have a captive audience at the nail salon to try some of my material one. I love a good clean joke.

When my twin sister was here, we used to go get our eyebrows done and tell jokes to the women getting pedicures. Some of them still remember us over a year later! That's making a good impression. I should probably bake up some goodies and grab a stack of business cards so I can do some networking.

Until next time! Love your family. I know I do.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Hilarious! Deranged hens...that line blew me away! I'm taking your advice and loving my family, and now, by extension, I love yours, too!!