Monday, May 25, 2009

Cooking my way to happiness...

They say you shouldn't trust a skinny cook. If that's true, I must be the most trustworthy cook alive!

Between work, family, my children, my health and other various concerns I am practially a zombie after all the bills are paid. One of the many things that bring me happiness is cooking. It is my form of artistic expression.

I have always appreciated other people's ability to express themselves artistically. I can talk, but not sing, dance or play an instrument in a way that will elicit anything but a fervent request to stop lest someones life be extinguished by their overzealous attempts to plug their ears with anything within reach. My daughters both play an instrument and play for me sometimes. I have managed to attend more than one of their orchestra concerts this school year. I am very pleased by that fact because I normally make it to about 2 a year. I have managed to attend five or six this year. My oldest daughter plays the viola. I love to see the peaceful look on her face when she is playing. That look is that same way I feel when I cook.

If I feel particularly sad, I will want to cook something. There is something very satisfying about selecting ingredients, cutting, sauteing, mixing and sprinkling until something wonderful happens. I am a mad scientist in the kitchen. I will experiment with different spices, food preparation techniques or ingredients. If you look at what I've cooked in the last 4 days, you might think I was suicidal! Friday I made a pound cake, coconut macaroons and salmon/tuna cheese buns (I'm still working on a better name for that), a Coley experiment that turned out very well. One might think that after all of that baking I would be tired. I didn't sleep at all that night. I was so tired the next day that I slept most of it. Sunday I decided I wanted to make something, but I didn't know what. I told my daughter to make a suggestion. She suggested cobbler. I thought, "Great! I have never made one of those. First time for everything." The Internet is a wonderful place full of information about things other than porn and I found a recipe that was remarkably easy. I also had all of the ingredients on hand so cherry cobbler was born! It was pretty tasty. I will have to make that one again.

Monday?! I should have been swimming and getting a tan. The pool isn't open yet and it is overcast. No dice. Man I feel blue. I'm tired and overwhelmed with all I have to do between doing better at work, keeping order at home and managing my weight and health, I feel like I just want to get into bed and stay there for a month. So I made a pound cake, 2 loaves of Italian bread, 1 loaf of white bread and more tuna/salmon/cheese thingies. They all turned out wonderfully and the bread will last til next weekend. There are times I feel a sense of pressure because of all I have to do and all I am responsible for.

My health has been taking a back burner to other things and it's gotten to a point that it has to be addressed or I may be out of commission while things are brought into order. Still I want to cook. Money is tight so I keep trying to find new and different ways to turn spices and rice into something different. It is a challenge that I take head on and enjoy because it gives my inner "mad scientist" a chance to shine!

More to come!

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